i-AM-FIT Workout
I-am-Fit is a science
backed, technology tracked,
and coach inspired group workout designed to produce results from the outside.
The hardest part of our workout is to show us, we make it simple for you to push yourself, be your
personal best and
give more than you thought you were once capable of
We are a one stop shop for all your fitness needs, 100% Nigerian owned and run.
Providing our customer's needs drives our growth. We cater to any gender and age group,
from kids, women, men and older people.
Train Smarter
The physiological theory behind the
I-AM-fit fitness workout is known as "Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption" or
Our 1-hour workout is designed to produce 12 minutes or more of intensities at
84% or higher of maximum heart rate
This program design produces workout "after burn" effect, which is an
metabolic rate for up to 36 hours after workout. This process leads to higher
calorie burn after the workout